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It's time for Mardi Gras

  • february 6th, 2019

  • By Carmen

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The secret and gourmet history of Mardi gras

It is a Roman pagan festival celebrating the end of winter, the March Calendars, during which prohibitions were transgressed and disguises allowed. The Italian word comes from the Latin "carnis levare" ("to remove the meat"). It refers to the last "fatty" meals taken before Lent (in the 18th century, we used to talk about Dimanche gras or Lundi gras before Mardi gras). In the past, this season corresponded, in a society that is still predominantly agricultural, to one of the most critical periods. In February and March, farmers used their last stored food reserves before or during the winter. It was later Christianized, to mark the beginning of Lent, a period of fasting and prayer that commemorates the 40 days spent in the desert by Christ. "Mardi gras" precedes Ash Wednesday.

Mardi Gras opens the Easter period, until the feast of Christ's Resurrection. Before the austerity of Lent, this day allows joy and abundance. Tuesday is called "fat" in reference to the foods considered rich, which we deprive ourselves of during Lent: meat, butter, sugar... a good reason for huge feast!

Why not take the opportunity to highlight it all by organizing a surprise party.

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